Quick Steps

1. Sign Up/Log In

  • If you're a new user, sign up and create an account. If you already have an account, log in with your credentials.

2. Set Up Your Project

  • Once logged in, navigate to the Projects section.

  • Create a new project by providing basic details like project name, category, and timeline.

3. Design Your Survey Form

  • Choose between ODK forms or Web forms to create your custom survey.

  • Add questions, logic, and conditions to suit your data collection needs.

4. Deploy Forms to Field Teams

  • Assign the created forms to your field teams for data collection.

  • Set permissions and define data collection schedules.

5. Collect Data

  • Field teams can collect data using mobile devices (online or offline).

  • Data is automatically synced to the Fieldata portal in real-time once an internet connection is available.

6. Monitor and Evaluate

  • Track the progress of your data collection efforts via the dashboard.

  • Use the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tools to review key performance indicators (KPIs) and assess project outcomes.

7. Export and Analyze Data

  • Once data collection is completed, export the data in various formats such as Excel, CSV, SPSS, etc.

  • You can also generate custom reports and visualizations through the Fieldata portal.

8. Visualize and Analyze Data

  • Use Fieldata’s dashboard to visualize data with charts, graphs, and tables.

  • Filter and drill down into specific data points to extract actionable insights.

9. Continue Monitoring

  • Continuously monitor data in real-time and make adjustments as necessary to ensure project goals are met.

Last updated